Saturday, July 19, 2008

T-Mobile Address Manager export "Hack"

Edit: Thanks to yincrash for pointing out that they changed their namespace on this object to TMO.ABPORTAL.

My friend Candice got a 1st Gen iPhone on the cheap and needed to get her numbers from T-Mobile's new online Address Manager (TAB). It does syncing to and from a regular T-Mobile phone but the iPhone isn't a regular T-Mobile Phone. The app is new and they have a note about it not syncing changes made on the website to the phone yet and either by design or evil plotting there was no way to export the contacts.

My vocation to the rescue! They were using the prototype.js library to run the app and after some digging around I found the data store.
TMO.ABPORTAL.ABIHM.ContactManager is the object that manages the contacts' actions and the _datas property is an array of contact javascript objects. So in the firebug console I wrote some code to get the contacts and wrote a csv file to an empty div. I then took that div into Wordpad to get the lines to break correctly on Windows and did an import into Windows Address Book. The rest is history!

Here's the code I used:

var data = ["firstname,lastname,name,homeMobile,homePhone1,homePhone2,workMobile,workPhone1,workPhone2"];
TMO.ABPORTAL.ABIHM.contactManager._datas.each(function(person) {
var a = [];